
THE PONTINE DOSSIER - Annual Edition,Vol. 1, No. 1971 // "The Pontine Dossier" was a booklet for those interested in Sherlock Holmes, Solar Pons, Fu Manchu, Nayland Smith and all detectives of the nineteenth century. It attracted the likes of Robert Bloch (here represented with a poem "Crumbs For A Toast For Solar Pons"), and A. E. Van Vogt ("Secret Deductive Systems" (Of Holmes & Pons)). Also includes excellent poetic tips-of-the-hat to "Fu Manchu" , and "Jack the Ripper" by Edward Lauterbach.Handsomely printed with stiff-paper covers featuring a terrific Frank Utpatel illustration of a deer-stalkered detective
I actually picked up a CD-R of every issue from the Battered Silicon Dispatch Box a few years ago:
At $10+shipping, it was well worth it.
Sorry, evidently it doesn't like HTML.
Mark, thanks for reading and for the link.
Yeah, blogger won't allow html in comments.
By the way, here are some more Utpatel images from my Photobucket collection ...
and a few Deleth images ...
or search Derleth at my antiquarian weird tales blog
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