I've often wondered if the 1893 trip to Chicago business trip involved Lovecraft's father visiting the Exposition. I will never have a "smoking gun", but here's a very strong coincidence that he did go to Chicago, and may have attended the exposition just before losing it at the hotel room. The exposition opened 1 May 1893. The only date I've seen for the breakdown was about April 25, 1893 (*) - so was he there to help set up the exhibit? Or just a coincidence?
The official directory of the World's Columbian exposition, 1893 - 139 pages
Group # 97, section N, block 1, south.
# 297 Gorham Manufacturing Company Providence RI Silver and plated ware etc 605
(*) KennethW. Faig, The Unknown Lovecraft, "Lovecraft's Parental Heritage", p.57.
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