Spaceways #17 [3.1] (December 1940)
Edited by Harry Warner Jr.
41 pages
* H.P. Lovecraft, "The Outpost" (verse)
* August Derleth, "A Little Knowledge" (fiction)
* Lester de Rey, "Fade-Out" (fiction)
* Eric Frank Russell, "Spirit of Fandom" (verse)
* back cover art by Hannes Bok
* articles by: Mary Gnaedinger (editor of Famous Fantastic Mysteries), John W. Campbell Jr., Seabury Quinn (on Wierd Tales), Amelia Reynolds Long ("Machines that Think"), Julius Schwartz (a biography of Farnsworth Wright and an article on The Time Traveller fanzine), Forrest J. Ackerman (on Stanley Weinbaum), Mort Weisinger, Leslie A. Croutch (on Thomas P. Kelley, an early Weird Tales author), Frederic Arnold Kummer Jr., J. Chapman Miske (as "The Star-Treader")
* letters from Bob (Wilson) Tucker, L. Sprague de Camp, A. Langley Searles, et al.
* provenance: Robert A.W. (Doc) Lowndes
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