
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two Bios of Addison P Munroe

Below are some significant pieces of information. The birthdates of Addison, Chester, and Harold Munroe are not widely available and rarely published. Their links to DAR are not widely mentioned. In addition, below, you will see why Harold's middle name was Bateman (grandmother's maiden), and their marriage dates, and locations at a specific time. It's also pretty apparent why the kids bicycled to Rehoboth - it is the somewhat old home terrain of the Munroes.

Their birthdates are essentially confirmed in the 1900 census, when Addison was still a grocer.


A History of Rehoboth Massachusetts ITS HISTORY FOR 875 YEARS 1643 1918

MUNROE HON ADDISON P son of Philip A and Delana Pierce Munroe was born in Providence RI Jan 2 1862 As a small lad he attended the Harris School in Rehoboth but completed his education in the public schools of his native city after which he engaged in the grocery business in Providence following that until 1909 when he retired Mr Munroe has taken a prominent part in public affairs and ranks among the foremost Democrats of his city and state He was a member of the Rhode Island House of Representatives from Providence in 1903 serving on the committee on accounts and claims From 1911 to 1914 inclusive he served as state senator from the City of Providence being a member of the judiciary and other important committees He was the Democratic leader in the Senate and took an active part in legislation introducing many important measures and participating in all important debates In 1898 1899 and 1900 he was president of the Young Men's Democratic Club at that time the largest political organization in the state In 1913 he was his party's candidate for United States Senator receiving the full party vote in both branches of the General Assembly In 1916 he was nominated for Governor by the Democratic State Convention but as a result of the Republican tidal wave which swept Rhode Island in that year he was defeated He is a member of the state commission having in charge the armory for mounted commands of the state militia He is greatly interested in historical and genealogical matters and is a member of the Rhode Island Society of Mayflower Descendants and served as governor of that society in 191 1 1912 and 1913 In 1912 he was elected deputy governor general of the National Society of Mayflower Descendants and still holds that office He is also a member of the Society of Colonial Wars Sons of the American Revolution and of the Rhode Island Historical Society Addison P Munroe married Dec 22 1885 Annie Burnside Hopkins daughter of Nelson and Emily Greene Bateman Hopkins she is descended from a line of distinguished colonial ancestors and is a member of the Colonial Dames of America and of Gaspee Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution She was born in Cranston RI Aug 12 1861 The children of Addison P and Annie Hopkins Munroe are

Chester Pierce born in Providence Sept 1 1889 married 1 June 24 1912 Gladys Avis Rich 2 June 3 1917 Mary Doris Davenport He is chief clerk at the Grove Park Inn Asheville NC

Harold Bateman born in Providence Sept 11 1891 married Esther Louise Whipple June 4 1913 He is a deputy sheriff of Providence County State of Rhode Island

Distinguished successful Americans of our day -

ADDISON P MUNROE State Senator of Rhode Island Was born January 2 1862 in Providence RI He was educated in the public schools of his native city For many years he was engaged as a successful merchant of Providence but has now retired from active business He is identified with the democratic party in 1903 was a representative from Providence to the state legislature and was prominently mentioned as a candidate on the democratic ticket for governor for the coming November election of 1912 He is now serving his second term of 1912-13 as a member of the Rhode Island state senate and in his last election polled more votes than any other candidate of any party

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