
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is William Channing Webb really Margarette Amundson Reynolds?

Is William Channing Webb really Margarette Amundson Reynolds?
And other odd coincidences.

If Call of Cthulhu was written Summer of 1926, then the Spokane discovery is truly a remarkable coincidence - was it included on purpose? In addition, a 50 year old article has spectacular coincidences with Lovecraft's extract. See below.

"… there was one man in that gathering who suspected a touch of bizarre familiarity in the monstrous shape and writing, and who presently told with some diffidence of the odd trifle he knew. This person was the late William Channing Webb, Professor of Anthropology in Princeton University, and an explorer of no slight note. Professor Webb had been engaged, forty-eight years before, in a tour of Greenland and Iceland in search of some Runic inscriptions which he failed to unearth; and whilst high up on the West Greenland coast had encountered a singular tribe or cult of degenerate Esquimaux whose religion, a curious form of devil-worship, chilled him with its deliberate bloodthirstiness and repulsiveness. It was a faith of which other Esquimaux knew little, and which they mentioned only with shudders, saying that it had come down from horribly ancient aeons before ever the world was made. Besides nameless rites and human sacrifices there were certain queer hereditary rituals addressed to a supreme elder devil or tornasuk; and of this Professor Webb had taken a careful phonetic copy from an aged angekok or wizard-priest, expressing the sounds in Roman letters as best he knew how. But just now of prime significance was the fetish which this cult had cherished, and around which they danced when the aurora leaped high over the ice cliffs. It was, the professor stated, a very crude bas-relief of stone, comprising a hideous picture and some cryptic writing. And so far as he could tell, it was a rough parallel in all essential features of the bestial thing now lying before the meeting." Call of Cthulhu, periscope, HP Lovecraft

And from:

Eclectic Magazine of FOREIGN LITERATURE SCIENCE AND ART, JANUARY 1877, THE ARCTIC REGIONS AND THE ESKIMO, page 1 ff. Originally from: Tales and Traditions of the Eskimo with Sketch of their Habits, Religion, Language, other Peculiarities; By Dr Henry Rink, Director of the Royal Greenland Board of Trade, Translated from the Danish by the Author, and Edited by Dr. Robert Brown , London 1875 [Note this is roughly 48 years before 1926]

"As is well known this is a sceptical fault finding age and so our readers must not be surprised if they find old forms and names overthrown in the very heading of our article. Our grandfathers talked of the Esquimaux and were content just as our grandmothers when they sucked eggs extracted the yolk by an old and time honored process So far as regards these venerable women a new generation has sprung up which will not allow them to pursue such a hand to mouth means of alimentation but insists on a more scientific treatment of barn door deposits In the same way we are not suffered to write Esquimaux after the good old spelling but are quite behind the age unless we adopt the form Eskimo. (p.1) … It is probable as in other mythologies that the Eskimo were at first content with the pantheistic arrangement of supernatural owners who ruled each particular object in the universe but such a creed is only transitory and ends in the belief of one Supreme Power This being was called by the Eskimo Tornasuk the supreme helper who only it seems revealed himself to the angakoks or wise men that is to the priests. (p.11)

"... Professor Webb had been engaged, forty-eight years before, in a tour of Greenland and Iceland in search of some Runic inscriptions which he failed to unearth …", Call of Cthulhu written summer 1926, fragment.

NORSE VOYAGES TO AMERICA ARE RETRACED; Story of These Hardy Adventurers Is Woven From the Sagas, Records of the Vatican, and the Ruins Found in Greenland, New York Times; By VILHJALMUR STEFANSSON, July 18, 1926

RECENT reports of the discovery of a Viking burial mound near Spokane, Wash., and runic inscriptions telling of a Norse expedition that crossed the continent from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific in 1010 A.D. renew interest in the story of the adventurous Norsemen who found their way to America as early as 1000 A.D. and made many voyages in the following three centuries.

Indians Capture 7 viking Women in A.D. 1010
September 23, 2008
Norse Mysteries Washington
Fight Between Vikings and Indians 1010 AD

“Found Viking Grave Near City!” headlined the July 5, 1926 issue of the Spokane Daily Chronicle. It showed a Whale shaped boulder 50 feet long and 15 feet high.

On it was a Norse Runic Inscription. Professor Opsjohn translated it and dated it 1010 AD. It told of a fight between a band of Vikings (24 men and 7 women) and Indians. Half of the men and one women were killed and buried at the smaller end of the boulder.

The other Vikings who escaped the battle carved the runes before swimming the Columbia River to get out of the territory.

There are also carved pictures of the Norse Goddess Freya with gold horns on her helm. The same as those found in Gotland Denmark and are now in the Northern Royal Museum of Denmark.

Margarette Amundson Reynolds, a runic scholar, said the Viking Grave was the most remarkable discovery ever uncovered on the North American continent. She said the inscription was filled with a thrilling description of action.

The Record tells how the men put the seven women and baby on top of the boulder. The men then stood about the base fighting the Indians. They were greatly outnumbered.

Twelve of the Norsemen were killed. The Indians captured the women and left. The survivors dug a grave near the rock and buried the dead.

Pictured rocks with runes are scattered across the American continent. They prove beyond a doubt, that the Norse established colonies 500 years before Columbus.

Philip Howell, sage of the Clallam tribe states that his grandmother told him of big blond men who came many generations ago. They wandered inland and that the rock near Spokane was regarded by the Indians as the burial place of the Invaders who were killed in their battle with the Indians.

Howell said that blonds among the Clallams were proof of the six Norse women were captured by the Indians, and integrated into the tribe.

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