
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Addison Munroe Speaks !

Addison P. Munroe, resident at 66 Patterson, eventually became the revered Dean of Providence Democrats. He had a hard road early on as Rhode Island was solidly republican. He lost a crucial race to LeBaron Colt to become U S Senator.

Of all these things, the miracle is that the two children of a leading democrat and the grandson of a staunch republican businessman became fast and life-long friends when they met in 1898. Yet Howard had no truer friend than Chester, and no more loyal follower than Harold Munroe.

Willaim Townley Scott published one letter of Addison's about the 1910-1914 era of Lovecraft. This letter is what he was, himself, doing in 1910.

1 January 1910
Providence Evening Tribune

Senator-Elect Munroe Asks Republican Leader for Better Representation.

Addison P. Munroe, Senator-Elect from this city has written a letter to Senator John P. Sanborn, the Republican leader in the upper chamber, asking that the democratic minority in the Senate be given better representation than heretofore on important committees. Mr. Munroe's letter is as follows:

"Providence, R.I., Dec. 30, 1910.
"Hon John P. Sanborn, Newport, R.I. :

"Dear Sir – At a recent meeting of the committee on organization appointed by the Democratic caucus, I was appointed a committee to confer with the Republican majority of the next Senate in regard to the committees. As the probable majority leader in the next Senate, it seems proper to address my communication to you.

"While it is a fact that the committees are elected by the Senate, it is evident that the committees as selected by the majority will {be} the ones elected.

"Therefore, I wish to call your attention to the following facts:

"There will be 13 minority members in the senate, which will be over 34 per cent of the total membership, and this 34 per cent will represent over 54 per cent of the population of the State. Under these circumstances I think we are justified in requesting the majority to place at least two minority members on the leading committees, namely, judiciary, corporations, finance, and special legislation.

"While admitting that this would give the minority a representation of 40 per cent, yet this would be nearer the representation entitled to than would be a representation of twenty per cent; also bearing still in mind the fact that the minority members represent a majority of the people of the State.

"I believe it is the intention of the majority to treat the minority with absolute fairness, and trusting that the justice of the request will be conceded and that it will be acted upon accordingly. I am

"Very truly yours,
"Senator-elect from Providence."

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