
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Whipple Phillips Starts a New Church !!

Souvenir history of the New England Southern Conference in three volumes By Micah Jones Talbot, Vol. 1, 1897.


At the instance of Mr. G. W. Rider, Whipple Phillips and wife, Lyman Davis and wife, and Stephen Damon and wife, the Methodist Episcopal Church was formed at Greene, R. I.

As there had been no religious service in the community for a long period, these friends of Methodism, having a superior insight of the high importance and spiritual needs of the place, labored earnestly to establish divine worship here. As others were well inclined towards the movement, an effectual door was opened. In the Spring of 1873 Mr. Phillips kindly threw open his commodious hall for the accommodation of the worshipers. The church was organized in the Fall of 1873. Stephen Damon was appointed class leader. Rev. J. Q. Adams, who was then pastor at South Scituate, R. I., united this charge to his labors, and served faithfully until the ensuing Conference, when G. W. Hunt was appointed preacher in charge, during whose pastorate the present church edifice was erected.

It was dedicated by the Presiding Elder, G. W. Brewster, October 4, 1876. The building accommodates about 200 persons, and its cost was $1,500.

An act to incorporate the Trustees of the M. E. Church at Greene was passed March 1, 1876. The Trustees were G. W. Rider, S. Damon, E. E. Rider. After the organization of the church, business continued to flourish in this section for a considerable time. The church was then an efficient agency for good, a fruitful garden of the Lord.

It is to be lamented that there came an ebb in the tide ot affairs which compelled several of its members and many people of the vicinity to secure their livelihood elsewhere.

During the first year of the pastorate of the Rev. E. J. Sampson the church underwent necessary repairs and was re-dedicated December 31, 1895, by the Presiding Elder, G. II. Bates.

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