
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lovecraft's Father and The Columbian Exposition of 1893

"In 1893 he began having hallucinations while in Chicago on business..."

I've often wondered if the 1893 trip to Chicago business trip involved Lovecraft's father visiting the Exposition. I will never have a "smoking gun", but here's a very strong coincidence that he did go to Chicago, and may have attended the exposition just before losing it at the hotel room. The exposition opened 1 May 1893. The only date I've seen for the breakdown was about April 25, 1893 (*) - so was he there to help set up the exhibit? Or just a coincidence?

The official directory of the World's Columbian exposition, 1893 - 139 pages
Group # 97, section N, block 1, south.

# 297 Gorham Manufacturing Company Providence RI Silver and plated ware etc 605

(*) KennethW. Faig, The Unknown Lovecraft, "Lovecraft's Parental Heritage", p.57.

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