
Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Recently, George noted that in one of my posts of a 1906 Hope High School year book, that "....marjorie lillibridge...." was listed. It reminded him that, "So THAT's where HPL got the name for the unfortunate newspaper reporter in THE HAUNTER OF THE DARK! // Sincerely, // George".

Thank you George.

Coincidentlally (?) as early as 1912, and as late as 1917, I've been able to find in the Providence City Directory (search google books) that at Beacon Avenue Primary School, Providence there was a Marjorie V. Lillibridge Assistant.

Chrispy hasn't examined the year book, however, if in 1906 "Marjorie" graduated, it seems a quick path of advancement to be an assistant at a Primary School in a mere 6 years or less. Just don't know.

Also, as to Edwin M Lillibridge, there is another odd coincidence:
Private Air Corps RHODE ISLAND Army of the United States
Kent County RI
Archives Military Records

If the original Edwin was a real person, and Lovecraft accurately reported that an "Edwin M Lillibridge" did disappear, and IF thta Edwin was releated to some Marjorie, younger or older, then this Edwin would probably be a grandchild? Someone with more genealogical experience than Chrispy might have to decipher this, if you like "jig saw" puzzles.

Anyone have access to

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