
Monday, August 17, 2009

Twin Homunculus Clouds of Eta Carinae

Chrispy can't help but think that the man who incorporated Einstein, Hubble, and fledgling quantum physics, would not today incorporate the new theories of 'branes, big bang, and black hole theories into his weird fiction.

HPL's not with us today, so we have to speculate.

If the Eldritch Gods behaved sentient enough to have motives, emotions, and desires then I still advocate that these beings were created as universes banged into existence, and then faded with the death of entropic wheezing. In between those several billions of years they had but one desire - to live forever. Why? To master space-time. For even a dark energy creature, this is probably an impossibility, thus madness framed their existence. An unattainable goal constantly being attempted to attain.

What would a mad creature do to obtain this knowledge? No stone, no planet, no mathematical equation would be unturned to attept to achieve. A universe dies? No problem, they simply slide into a new 'brane and start over in another universe until it, too, died.

Yet, as the universes came and went, and vigntillions of years ticked like drops of water in the eternal ocean of timelessness, competitors arose. hey had to be eliminated - or dodged - or eluded - or avoided - just as long as one player attained the goal - of immortality and total power.

The ultimate game.

The ultimate madness.

In any event, this real life science event brings home what an Eldritch God might do to a star of a planet that was a bother or a problem.

Remember, to a dark energy being we are but star-ash.


A massive star that exploded when the universe was just 3 billion years old has been found. It is classified as a type IIn supernova, which is caused by a star that belches out large quantities of gas before its final explosion. The fitful Milky Way star Eta Carinae (above) jettisoned the twin Homunculus clouds in 1843 and is expected to meet its end as a type IIn supernova (Image: Jon Morse/University of Colorado/NASA)

Astronomers have turned up the oldest and most distant supernova ever found: the star that created it detonated just 3 billion years after the big bang. // This supernova is classified as a 'type IIn' supernova, which is caused by a star that belches out large quantities of gas before its final explosion. Its fiery death heats up that gas, causing it to glow long after light from the blast itself has faded. Indeed, the light from type IIn supernovae lasts for years, while ordinary supernovae may be visible for just a few weeks. // ..the explosions would shed light on how the universe became seeded with heavier elements. Only a few lightweight elements – hydrogen, helium, and lithium – are thought to have been created in the big bang; all others were forged over time in the nuclear furnaces of stars and in supernovae.


Woodstock (Cosby, Stills, Nash)
(Excerpted, and conflated)

And I feel like I'm a cog in something turning.
And I don't know who I am but life is for learning.
We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon,
We are stardust, we are golden, we caught in the devil’s bargain,
and we got to get ourselves back to the garden.

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