
Sunday, May 03, 2009

Rhode Island Antiquarian Ephemera

Lovecraft was an expert and devotee to Rhode Island history. What he would've given to hold this in his hands.

Colonial Pay order 1731 for establishing the Rhode Island & Massachusetts Boundary. In 1663, King Charles II granted a charter which was the basis for Rhode Island's easterly boundary. For years this boundary remained controversial. This early attempt for a hoped-for settlement caused the Rhode Island General Assembly to commission Henry Bull & William Wanton (later Governor) "with others met at Rehoboth ye 6th day of May anno domini 1731" (to prepare a report.)

The receipt for both pay orders appear on same sheet, reading: Received of Job Barlot (?Treasurer) full satisfaction for my time my hire; and expense in this affair of government of Rhodes Island and the ye Massachusetts as a commission for ye Colony of Rhode Isl. touch- ing the Gore or Gusset of land near Pawtucket Falls which with others met upon the third Tuesday of April last at Rehoboth in said County of Bristol. Received this 6th day of May. Anno ye Dom: 1731. (signed) Henry Bull

Received of Job Bartlit full satisfaction as for my time horse hire and expence in ye affairs of Government of Rhode Island and ye Massachusetts as commision for ye Colony of Rhoad Island concerning ye part of ye Government on ye north easterly side of Blackstone River ye which with others met at Rehoboth ye 6th day of May 1731. (signed) William Wanton 3 Dec. 1733 - At a RI Gen. Assembly held at Newport it was voted "that the appeal to His Majesty (relating to the gore of land in controversy), presented to this Assembly is approved of and ordered forth- with to be sent home to His Majesty in Great Britain, signed by his honor (William Wanton) the Governor" (Bartlett, Rhode Island Colony Records, vol IV, p. 491) See also pps. 60-1, "Early Rehoboth" ?Bliss. HD#4.....$2500.00 Mayflowertraders, Ltd.

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