
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Breaking Lovecraftian News

{Whether you love his writing, or hate it, Edward Lee is an original. He ain't for everyone. He writes the most provoking, graphic, and challenging texts. And I kid you not. Violent, sadistic, and psychopathic characters abound.

He's also an enormous Lovecraft fan, and he's finally at a point where he believes he can write Lovecraftian works to expurgate that passion for HPL that he has. For 50 bucks, you can have one of 300 copies. In ten minutes dozens went when they went on sale, so plumb your pocketbook, and see if you want to get in on this event.

Disclosure, while I passed on the $300 Lovecraft art book - I know I'll one day hate myself - I did preorder a copy of this one.}

Order link:

Imagine this... In 1934, ground-breaking horror writer H.P. Lovecraft is invited to write a story for a subversive underground magazine, all on the condition that a pseudonym will be used. The pay is lofty, and God knows, HPL needs the money; therefore...he agrees.

There’s one catch.

It has to be a pornographic story...


Through the midnight bowels of New York City, the decrepit trolley clatters on,its single yellow headlight illumining one desolate alley and squalid,trash-strewn street after the next, through crumbling ghettos and betwixt drab skyscrapers and labyrinthine edifices–indeed, the very guts of the Depression-ravaged metropolis. The Trolley admits only a special sort of rider, and takes them to a very select destination...


What is the meaning behind the cryptic number, and what is the ghastly truth behind the club’s voluptuous madam? For, yes, the 1852 Club is abordello of the most macabre discrimination. Destitute academician Morgan Phillips will learn of all the club’s pestiferous secrets butnot before he is first subjected to unnameable acts degradation andabuse, and is then thrown body and soul into a morass of eroticabandon, sexual perversion, and gut-churning, brain-warping,inter-dimensional carnality so unspeakable it can scarcely bedescribed...

Join horror veteran Edward Lee in this bold homage to his favorite horror author: H.P. Lovecraft. Herein, Lee boldly converts HPL’s obscure fragment “The Thing in the Moonlight” into a full-fledged novella, incorporating as best he can the Master’s rich, singular style and vision, while integrating some of his own lurid tricks and treats...

This is a limited edition hardcover of only 300 signed and numbered copies.


  1. Ed is actually a very serious writer and a damn good one -- but I rarely read his books because extreme horror really bores me. That's why, when I attend WHC, I never go to the Gross Out contest, because it holds absolutely no interest for one who loves quaint and emotional horror. I didn't bother getting John Pelan's Mythos novel publish'd by Cemetery Dance either, because I heard it was a gore-fest. Yet I know this kind of writing is extremely popular (and I'm learning just how popular thanx to your introducing me to The Haunt social site). I'm interested in Ed's book because he writes extremely well, and if one can get past the extreme language and gore, one finds a brilliant writer, a fine writer. An original.

    I can highly recommend the Lovecraft art book from Centipede Press. I was given a copy of the $395 edition as an advance on my forthcoming omnibus, and it is simply mind-numbing in its beauty and presentation. If you love Lovecraftian art you simply should not be without it. It has inspir'd me to try and make my own forthcoming collection from Centipede artful in a Decadent Yellow Nineties kind of way -- & I have ask'd Jerad Walters for the boards of my hardcover to be shockingly YELLOW. I have always wanted to be the author of a Yellow Book, such as Wilde has corrupt Dorian Gray in his novel.

  2. Thanks, Chris, sounds worth a look - if there are any left!

  3. Hmmm... "The Thing in the Moonlight" isn't a true Lovecraft fragment -- it's an excerpt letter to which An editor named J. Chapman Miske added opening and closing paragraphs.


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