
Friday, January 23, 2009

Lovecraft on the Occult & God

On this day, 23 January 1931, HPL wrote to Lovecraft in part: As for the "occult" - I don't see any reason the change my views concerning the rlative probablility of explanations of reported phenomenoa. ... I have had thousands of impressions of unreal phenomena - false memories ... have given the careful study - almost invariably tracking down the real sources of the impressions ... I have likewise accomplished similar tracings of the bizarre impressions of others ... as for "God" ... absolutely nothing indicates such a thing.


  1. HPL wrote to Lovecraft? Is that correct, or was he writing to someone else?

  2. Oh my. I'll pull out the reference and fix this. Sorry.

    Although I think it was to Derleth.

    Thank you for alerting me.


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