
Saturday, June 07, 2008

1957 Memorial to HP Lovecraft

THE FOSSIL - July, 1957
"When a man's personality so overshadows his work to his friends as to make them think of the man instead of his writings, they are quite unfit to utter a udgement"
- W Paul Cook

Howard Phillips Lovecraft's presence changed and challenged the field of Amateur
Journalism and the modern Weird Tale। Twenty years after his death this influence was examined in this 10 page article of Helen V. Wesson. Interesting viewpoints from his friends are quoted, biographical information, and photographs of HPL and some of his rarest appearances in print are pictured.


  1. Does anyone have a decent copy of this whole article? I have an old photocopy but it's very faint and the pics aren't well reprodueced. I'd love to get a clear photocopy. Please email Leigh Blackmore with any help. Thankyou

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    From the October 2006 issue of The Fossil

    Guy Miller
    Our irrepressible, irreplaceable Helen may have departed our little ajay world on September 7, but those of us who remain to mourn our loss can agree that she has willed us more than mere memories.

    Although intensely devoted to AAPA from the moment of her arrival in 1938, just two years after the founding of that group of lively youngsters, Helen with husband Sheldon later found time to slash an indelible mark across the records of NAPA as well.

    But, as much as Helen loved her association in AAPA and enjoyed her activities in NAPA, we find it safe to observe that both she and Sheldon held a special affection for The Fossils. For, while both Helen and Sheldon garnered many laureates in both AAPA and NAPA, the ones to which they most aspired were granted by The Fossils. As we leaf through the pages of the awards chapter in the recently published 100 Years of The Fossils, we see mention of the duo at almost every turn, attesting to their contributions to the Fossils and, as a result, to the entire realm of our beloved hobby.

    For example, devotees of Howard P. Lovecraft will be forever in debt to Helen for her extensive biography "The Phenomenon of H.P.L." which occupied ten 9 x 12 pages in The Fossil, vol. 5 (no. 154) for July, 1957, and for which she received The Fossil Literary Award.


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