
Friday, January 25, 2008

Interlude: 1100th Post

This is a bit belated, since we are well past 1100 posts now in our quest to track Lovecraft's Legacy. It's a day like today that it kind of catches up with ol' Chrispy. A great deal of new Lovecraftiana has hit the 2008 market place and auction houses. Lots of internet searching, Ebay sniffing, cut and paste, resize and crop, reorient, and so forth so that it all fits on blogger.

It's especially tiring after a long day at work, and with a looming load of Chris Perridas obligations - I have book reviews to write and submit, obligations to write more essays, my +Horror Library+ duties, and then there are my own stories ready to explode from my head if I don't put them on paper soon.

I'm just ecstatic right now at my Waverly Hills essay (part 1) coming out in Bailey Hunter's Dark Recesses. I have stuff in Down in the Cellar, Open Vein, and Blood Moon Rising and plans for lots more. Bailey has done such a terrific job, and deserves all the award nominations that she can get. Support her.

Still ... the ghost of H P Lovecraft haunts me. Why, I'm unsure. I knew not the man before 2002, and now this encyclopedic mania has permeated so much of my spare time. When will he stop, and when will it be enough?

It delights me that many of you have written me with kind words, insights, questions, and more. I wasn't expecting that. I only wanted to put down interesting tidbits for my own research, and now you tell me that you use the information. Well, as Teddy Roosevelt (An HPL fave) might have said: Bully!

In case you're interested, we - you, Gentle Reader, and I - are part of over 2000 regular readers who stop by and peruse the vast archives. I've posted so much, I have to search my own files becuase I forget what's there and what isn't. That shakes me up sometime, but there you go. One never knows what life brings.


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