
Friday, December 28, 2007

Lovecraft's Legacy (1966)

There seems to be no end to the thousands of items of Lovecraftiana one can collect. This one is a 1966 Arkham compilation with a Fritz Leiber, some HPL poems, and a story by Derleth taken from some Lovecraft notes. C M Eddy has stories, and Jack Chalker has a bibliography. I actually ran into several Chalker paperback novels at the used bookstore, so he was pretty prolific for a long while with his own books. It's nice to know a SF writer was an HPL fan.

I think I've covered virtually every year since HPL's death on his "Legacy" now and it shows the trajectory that occurred in fandom. Derleth was behind much of it. His hand is often seen in anthology inclusions of HPL's work. The fanzines are a different trajectory, but they always intersect with "mainstream" HPL work that Derleth and Arkham initiated. Certainly Carter and Leiber and de Camp and others worked independently with their own energy and passion to preserve HPL's legacy.

Donald Wolheim, Duane Rimel, Stuart David Schiff, Jack L Chalker, Sam Moskowitz, and so many others also - at one time or other - took turns promoting HPL through the fan magazine approach. I've included many examples through the years of these fanzines as they leave one collector's hand and move to another, to be unseen for many more years.

Collects previously unpublished stories, poetry and articles that Lovecraft wrote, and also some pieces about Lovecraft written by others. Issued in 1966. First edition. A touch of soiling to the page edges from handling, and a few rubbing spots on the jacket all we can see in the way of defects, and the jacket is NOT clipped.

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