
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

21 November 1924 postcard to Paul J Campbell

This actually is an important note. Sonia had a sudden gastric distress that sent her to the hospital at almost the same moment that she and HPL were breaking up. Lovecraft knew that they would immediately part company and move out of their apartment. I hope to write a nice essay on these several days in HPL's life, soon.

The seller states:

Autograph postcard signed from Howard Phillips Lovecraft to Paul J. CampbellPostmarked Philadelphia, PA, November 11, 1924Pictured on the front of card: Wister House, Germantown, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaLovecraft writes to old-time amateur journalist and friend Campbell while he's visiting Philadelphia. It reads in part:"Meant to write sooner, but have been in a turmoil of business and worry. Wife ill -- in hospital from Oct 21 to 31 --and now on a farm near Somerville, N. J. recuperating. . . I decided . . . to give the old Quaker burg the thorough exploration I've long wanted to give it. . . ."It ends with an allusion to the financial troubles he and his wife were having that would cause them to give up their niceapartment: "P.S. Will probably have to break up 259 Parkside and board soon. Alas!"Signed "HPL"A nice chatty note to a long-time friend who published work by Lovecraft in his amateur journal, "The Liberal."

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