
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lovecraft Studies: Index (partial)

{I'll update this as often as I can, Chrispy.}
{Started 8 September 2007} *** {edit 13 December 2007} ***{edit 16 July 2008}



S.T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 12:
Lovecraft's Concept of "Background" by Stephen J. Mariconda
Some Repititions of the Times by H. P. Lovecraft
An Uncompromising Look at the Cthulhu Mythos by Will Murray
Disbelievers Ever by R. W. Sherman
H.P. Lovecraft: At The Mountains of Madness and other novels reviewed by David E. Schultz
Chapbook format, mint; 8.5" x 7", 40 pages, Cover Art by Jason C. Eckhardt.


S.T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 13:
Who Needs the "Cthulhu Mythos"? by David E. Schultz
In Search of Arkham Country by Will Murray
Correspondence between R. H. Barlow and Wilson Shephard of Oakman, Alabama Sept-Nov 1932 by H. P. Lovecraft
Lovecraft and Chiasmus, Chiasmus and Lovecraft by Donald R. Burleson
Chapbook format, mint; 8.5" x 7", 40 pages, Cover Art by Jason C. Eckhardt.


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Lovecraft Studies # 15

Date: Fall 1987 Cover price: $4.50Cover art by Jason C. Eckhardt

Published by Necronomicon Press, Vol 6, Number 2

Contents Mythos Names and How to Say Them - Robert M. Price
On the Emergence of "Cthulhu" - Steven J. Mariconda
At Lovecraft's Grave - Brett Rutherford
"The Terrible Old Man": A Deconstruction - Donald R. Burleson

Arkham and Kingsport - Peter Cannon
A Probable Source for the Drinking Song from "The Tomb" - Will Murray
Reviews: H.P. Lovecraft. Medusa and Other Poems, ed. S.T. Joshi Reviewed by Steven J. Mariconda
Clark Ashton Smith, Letters to H.P. Lovecraft. ed. Steve Behrends Reviewed by S.T. Joshi

S.T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies, 16, Spring 1988. Necronomicon Press, 1988. 40 booklet of this nonfiction journal with studies on Lovecraft and his work with articles: “Randolph Carter: An Anti-Hero’s Quest” by Norman Gyford, “Two Biblical Curiosities in Lovecraft” by Robert M. Price, “Commercial Blurbs” by H. P. Lovecraft, “Did Lovecraft Revise THE FORBIDDEN ROOM? by Will Murray. other reviews, articles.


S.T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 17:
Comments from the Publisher by Marc A. Michaud
Randolph Carter: An Anti-Hero's Quest (Part 2) by Norman Gayford
A Guide to the Lovecraft Fiction Manuscripts at the John Hay Library (Part 2) by S. T. Joshi
The Hands of H. P. Lovecraft by Robert H. Waugh
The Masks of Nothing by Eduardo Haro Ibars
Facts in the Case of "The Disinterment" by Will Murray
Notes on Lovecraft's "The Bells": A Carillon by Donald R. Burleson
Chapbook format, mint; 8.5" x 7", 36 pages, Cover Art by Jason C. Eckhardt.



S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 31, "Dr. Margaret Murray and H. P. Lovecraft: The Witch-Cult in New England" by Robert H. Waugh; "Mirror, Mirror: Sylvia Plath's 'Mirror' and Lovecraft's 'The Outsider'" by Mollie Burleson; "'The Outsider' as an Homage to Poe" by Carl Buchanan; "Lovecraft and 'Ligeia'" by Robert M. Price; "Symbolism of Style in 'The Strange High House in the Mist'" by Cecelia Drewer; "Lovecraft and Adjectivitis: A Deconstructionist View" by Donald R. Burleson; and "Lovecraft's Aesthetic Development: From Classicism to Decadence" by S. T. Joshi.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 32, "'The Picture in the House': Images of Complicity" by Robert H. Waugh; "About 'The Whisperer in Darkness'" by Darrell Schweitzer; "Tightening the Coil: The Revision of 'The Whisperer in Darkness'" by Steven J. Mariconda; "'The Rats in the Walls': A Study in Pessimism" by Paul Montelone; "Lovecraft: Textual Keys" by Donald R. Burleson; as well as book reviews by Ben Indick, David E. Schultz, and Marc A. Michaud.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 33, "'Ex Oblivione': The Contemplative Lovecraft" by Paul Montelone; "The Thing: On the Doorstep" by Donald R. Burleson; "Where Was Foxfield?" by Will Murray (which sheds light on the major discovery of a new Lovecraftian fictional site); "The Genesis of 'The Shadow out of Time'" by S. T. Joshi; "On 'The Call of Cthulhu'" by Stefan Dziemianowicz; as well as reviews by Peter Cannon.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 34, "On At the Mountains of Madness: A Panel Discussion" by Peter Cannon, Jason C. Eckhardt, Steven J. Mariconda, and Hubert Van Calenbergh (from the 1995 NecronomiCon convention); "Overdetermination and Enigma in Alhazred's Cryptic Couplet" by Dan Clore; "'The Outsider,' the Terminal Climax, and Other Conclusions" by Robert H. Waugh; "A Textual Oddity in 'The Quest of Iranon'" by Donald R. Burleson; "The Vanity of Existence in 'The Shadow out of Time'" by Paul Montelone; and "Lovecraft in Brooklyn", a recently discovered memoir of Lovecraft by one of his oldest friends, Rheinhart Kleiner. Cover art by Jason C. Eckhardt.


S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 36, "'The White Ship': A Schopenhauerian Odyssey" by Paul Montelone, "In Search of the Dread Ancestor: M. R. James' 'Count Magnus' and Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward" by Richard Ward, "The Revised Adolphe Danziger de Castro" by Chris Powell, part II of "Lovecraft and Keats Confront the 'Awful Rainbow'" by Robert H. Waugh, and a rare (and previously unreprinted) 1927 mainstream newspaper article, "A Talk with H. P. Lovecraft", by Howard Wolf. Cover art by Jason Eckhardt.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 37, cover art by Jason Eckhardt, $5.00More contributions to the serious study of H. P. Lovecraft. Features: "The World as Azathoth--and Nothing Besides" by Paul Montelone; "The Outsider, the Autodidact, and Other Professions" by Robert H. Waugh; "Lovecraft and the Whitman Memoir" by John Kipling Hitz; "Lovecraft's 'He'" by Kenneth W. Faig, Jr.; "Lovecraft and Interstitiality" by Donald R. Burleson; as well as reviews by Ben P. Indick and Scott David Briggs.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 38, cover art by Jason Eckhardt, $5.00Features: "Lovecraft and Buddhism: Some Similarities" by Esther Rochon; "A Note on Metaphor vs. Metonymy in 'The Dunwich Horror'" by Donald R. Burleson; "The Outsider, the Autodidact, and Other Professions" (part 2) by Robert H. Waugh; "H. P. Lovecraft and Charles Dickens: The Rats in Their Walls" by Mollie L. Burleson, as well as a review of some recent humorous titles by Peter Cannon.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 39, cover art by Jason Eckhardt, $5.00“Bonus” issue of this significant journal dedicated to the life and work of you-know-who. Featured articles are: “Arkham Country: In Rescue of the Lost Searchers” by Robert D. Marten; “A Warning to the World: The Deliberative Argument of At the Mountains of Madness” by David A. Oakes; “The Subway and the Shoggoths” by Robert H. Waugh; and “Sound Symbolism in Lovecraftian Neocognomina” by Dan Clore.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 40, cover art by Jason Eckhardt, $5.00Once again we embark on a look at Lovecraft and his work from a number of unique, and thought-provoking perspectives. Issue number 40 features: “Some Aspects of Narration in Lovecraft” by Dan Clore; “‘The Strange High House in the Mist’: Glowing Eyes and Prohibition of the Impossible” by Nicholaus Clements; “The Subway and the Shoggoth (part II)” by Robert H. Waugh; “Some Notes on ‘The Rats in the Walls’” by John Kipling Hitz; and “This is the Way the World Ends: Modernish in ‘The Hollow Men’ and Fungi from Yuggoth” by David A. Oakes.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 41, cover art by Jason Eckhardt, $5.00Another wonderful batch of serious pieces on Lovecraft, covering both his life and work. As well as including an index to Lovecraft Studies, issues 26-40, are the following essays: “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Scott Connors, “A Cosmos of One’s Own: Howard Phillips Lovecraft” by Hubert Lampo, “Lovecraft and the early Leiber” by Nicholaus Clements, “Naming the Nameless: Lovecraft’s Grammatology” by John P. Langan, as well as a review by Steven J. Mariconda of Lovecraft Remembered.

[42, 43]

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 44, cover art by Jason Eckhardt, a Necronomicon Press Trade Paperback, 120 pages, 5x8", $12.99Lovecraft Studies returns in grand fashion by way of a 120 page trade paperback chock-full of essays about, and by, HPL, as well as an obscure short tale by Irvin S. Cobb which 'manifestly influenced' 'The Rats in the Walls'. Contains: 'A Layman Looks at the Government' by H. P. Lovecraft, 'The Devil, the Terror, and the Horror: The Whateley Twins’ Further Debts to Folklore and Fiction' by Marc A. Beherec, 'The Unbroken Chain' by Irvin S. Cobb, 'The Pickman Models' by Robert D. Marten, '“Hey, Yew, Why Don’t Ye Say Somethin’?” Lovecraft’s Dramatic Monologues' by Robert H. Waugh, 'Necronomicon: A Note' by Alexandre Bouchard and Louis-Pierre Smith Lacroix, 'Fred Chappell’s Cthulhu Appropriations: Dagon' by Casey Clabough, and a review of S. T. Joshi's A Dreamer and a Visionary: H. P. Lovecraft in His Time by Donald R. Burleson, Ph.D.

S. T. Joshi, ed.: Lovecraft Studies 45 (Spring 2005), cover art by Jason Eckhardt, $5.95Lovecraft Studies is back, hopefully now on a semi-regular schedule, and in its original chapbook format. Latest issue features: “Dagon”: Shipwreck to Nowhere by Massimo Berruti; The Blasted Heath in “The Colour out of Space”: A Nightmare Theodicy by Robert H. Waugh; Spectre Loci: An Interpretation of “The Nameless City” by Michael Garrett; Metaphysics in “The Music of Erich Zann” by Henrik Harksen; and The Shadow out of Berkeley Square by John Strysik.

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