
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Tryout: April 1923

Again, Ebay comes through for HPL fans. Here is an image of a rare copy of the Tryout.

The seller, obviously not a keen HPL fan, states, "Up for auction is an April 1923 edition of The Tryout. We have researched this publication and this is what we have found so far. It seems to have been a popular publication for poets and science fiction writers of the early century. Howard Lovecraft is written about in this edition as he seems to have been fundamental to the publication and was a well known sci fi writer of the time. If any of this info needs to be corrected please notify us and we will gladly change or add to what we have stated. The booklet is in good condition with minimal wear and tear as evidenced by the photo. Please email us with ANY questions you might have before bidding. Thanks!"
Chrispy's best reading of the poem on the cover is:

The Tryout, Vol. 8, Plaintow, NH, April 1923, No.7

She comes! - the month of daffodils!
After the Winter's gray retirement
And whispers in the building boughs,
And bids the sleeping grass arouse,
With laughter on her lips!
She comes! the month of Daffodils!
The meltime, many mooded maid;
And with the torch of her desire
She sets the kindling clouds aflint
And watches till they fade!
Her gauzy dress in impish play,
The zephyrs clutch with hands unseen;
And where her fleeting feet have stood -
(As if responsive to mood!-)
The grass again is green!
And blithely chant the ballpind birds,
And blithely flows the singing streams;
While all the pulsing April rain
Is galding - galding everywhere -
And filled with waking dreams.
Arthur Goodenough

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