
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Houdini 1924: Background

From late 1923 to Houdini's death in 1926, Lovecraft and Houdini's world intersected from time to time.

To learn more about Houdini - to make that world of 80 or more years ago more vivid, we'll locate Houdini ephemera of the period and post it here.

This letter of 15 February 1924 seems, on the surface, to not assist us in discovering whether or not Houdini was recruiting Lovecraft as an ally in fighting spiritualists, but one never knows where clues will lead !!

Offered on Ebay at the beginning of January 2007, the sales blurb states:

A vintage letter dated feb 15th 1924 sent from Harry Houdini to a guy in the UK called Alfred Rastrick of Baildon West Yorkshire, which is a bleak place on this planet.... anyway the gentleman seems to have had some contact with Harry Houdini as he has had this letter from Harry Houdini himself and it has been typed on Houdini letter headed note paper as well as been signed by Houdini himself. The content of the letter is interesting as it mentions that a mr Hardeen is now retired and yet a manager of a laboratory! also it states that Houdini is glad that Mr Rastrick is in the pink! delightful banter of the period totally original and just from a house clearance in West Yorkshire .

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