
Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Clue: Could HPL Have Ever Been a Spy?

The answer apparently is yes. However, not between 1923 and 1926 with Houdini (we are still searching for THAT smoking gun) but in 1917 !!

Faig (1) reports in his 1999 essay that a 1948 memoir by Michael White (d. 1960) entitled "Fond Memories that Linger On" (The Fossil, January 1948) states Lovecraft collaborated with a paid British agent to exacerbate an Irish enclave of activists. Lovecraft presented the United Amateur Press Association at a Boston literary club in 1917 to which White was in attendance. White states that he knew of Demarest Loyd, a dandy-dressed English sympathizer was paid to out Irish (IRA) sympathizers. He enlisted Lovecraft's help - or they at least stumbled into one another's arms.

As usual, HPL was inconsistent in his vehemence, though. He adored Lord Dunsany, and probably did not know he was an IRA sympathizer. He attacked (2), though a series of published letters, John T. Dunn - a freind - and some of HPL's vitriolic spume spilled into the pages of The Conservative. White, himself, was a sympathizer. White was a close friend to Edith Miniter after HPL introduced the two of them. (Miniter once fancied by Lovecraft - see blog entry). Miniter's mother was keen on writing verse in Irish fashion.

This tantalizing bit of "historicical" gossip shows that Lovecraft was quite capable of espionage leanings. He was never shy about berating those he keenly felt were wrong-headed and dangerous to his personal belief systems.

Loyd had a Kentucky connection, having been stationed at Camp Zachary taylor in Oct 1918. He was born in Chicago in 1883 making him older than HPL - always a plus, since Lovecraft gravitated to older men. Both of his degrees were from Harvard making him a Boston mainstay. Lovecraft's Uncle lived in Boston. Loyd's British airs probably (?) reminded him of HPL's father.

1. Kenneth W Faig, Jr, The Unknown Lovecraft I: Political Operative, Crypt of Cthulhu 103, Vol. 19, No.,1, 1999
2. S T Joshi, "H P Lovecraft: Letters to John T Dunn", Books at Brown, Vol. 38&39, 1991-1992, published 1995, Providence, RI.


  1. spelling error:
    should be:

  2. No excuses ! Thanks for caring. And reading.

    I tend to work on blog entries rapidly and have very little time. However, you folks do deserve better editing, so here's my new year's resolution !! Fewer typos, better editing.


  3. Dunsany was most definitely NOT an IRA sympathiser, even though he liked the Irish.

  4. First, Magister, I appreciate that you read the blog. I often write quickly, and want to be very careful in any event. This was a while back, and so I grabbed my copy of Crypt of Cthulhu 103 and made sure I didn't make an error.

    I can't vouch for the first hand documentation, since it's annecdotal and not collaborative, but Mr. Faig did quote Fossil January 1948 by Michael White. It says, "Howard {Lovecraft} made one exception: he was an outspoken admirer of Lord Dunsany, and probably never knew at the time, and probably never knew, that the Dublin playwright was a trusted rebel of the Irishy. Dunsany "castle" is outside Dublin."

    How this alleged collusion came about, or if it's true is beyond my ability to fathom or discern. Perhpas it is a smear, or maybe true.

    I'm going to coalate this info and try to add a new post in case anyone else wants to contribute information.

    In the meantime, your note and this note will amend the original blog post - until more information comes out.

    The only controversial point I was attempting was that Lovecraft was no stranger to controversy and no stranger to flirting with espionage. Even that point is circumstantial as can be seen, but in cases of circumstance, multiple cases of flitting about the flame, may make one a moth.

    Again, thanks for reading and especially for commenting. Greatly appreciated.



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