
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Houdini and Lovecraft According To Letters to Lillian Clark. I.

Here are the first pertinent notes in chronological order...

[1924 March 9 to Aunt Lillian Clark] (1) "The headache prescription camesafely, and I shall get a bottle of my Old Reliable - although so far I haven't had a headache since the wearing off of the one induced by the Houdini-Henneberger rush." {Referring to the adrenaline rush of typing the ghosted story and then losing the manuscript.]

[1924 March 19 to Aunt Lillian Clark] (2) "As to literary stuff - Henneberger made a special trip to Murfreesboro, Tennessee to show my new story to Houdini, and the latter took to it marvelously - writing me a note at once, which I answered at his New York address, 278 West 113th St. This morning Houdini answered in a most cordial note, promising a longer reply soon, and asking me to call on him. He seems a very pleasant person in a mildly commonplace way, and I am sure that I shall enjoy meeting him - and his library." {In the same letter, Lovecraft reveals that Henenberger has offered him the job as editor of Weird tales whoch would mean relocating to Chicago. HPL turns it down.}

(1) pp. 41, 42 of H. P. Lovecraft: Letters From New York, ed. Joshi & Schultz, Night Shade Books, San Francisco, 2005.
(2) pp. 46, 47 of H. P. Lovecraft: Letters From New York, ed. Joshi & Schultz, Night Shade Books, San Francisco, 2005.

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