
Monday, October 09, 2006

Breaking News: Ebay Ofering

Bibliomonster is offering a rare set of Tessarect issues. Here are some excerpts in case you miss(ed) the offering.


'Tesseract' - Six monthly issues; December 1936 - May 1937. Each 10 - 13 pps. Published by The Science Fiction Advancement Association - 434 Guerrero Street San Francisco. 1936 -1937. Each issue printed on standard old 8.5 X 11 inch paper on both sides. Stapled at left margin. Old fold crease to center of issues.Wear to front cover of blue wraps on 12/36 issue w/ some loss, else very good. Also tipped in is a small painting on tissue paper of a figure with his arms up-stretched to a starry sky....

INCLUDES THE KEY APRIL 1937 HP LOVECRAFT MEMORIAL ISSUE. This issue includes the first part of "The Crawling Chaos" by Lovecraft and W. V. Jackson. (concluded in the May issue; also contained herein)

This is an extremely rare and desireable set of the journal through which the SFAA communicated with those of like science fiction interests. The publication is among the earliest versions of a fanzine extant. The membership (which included H.P. Lovecraft before his passing) started New Fandom in 1938. Other authors included J. Harvey Haggard, Louis C. Smith, Raymond Van Houten, Arthur R. Mink, Edward E. Smith, Clark Ashton Smith, Roy A Squires II, Walter Jamieson, & Arthur Leo Zagat.

This is a truly important piece of Sci Fi ephemera that you will not find on your friend (or favorite book dealer's) shelf. The 'Tesseract' not offerered ANYWHERE else on the internet for sale. Of the 4 other known individual issues, 2 are in private collections and the balance in libraries according to OCLC...

About -

SFAA - Science Fiction Advancement Association, one of the organizations that blossomed at the beginning of the First Transition. Its founder was C Hamilton Bloomer; the later president, Raymond van Houten, signed it over in a dormant state to New Fandom, of which it provided the basic membership, except that certain Wollheimists were not accepted by New Fandom.

New Fandom - (Speer:Moskowitz) - Name derived from a series of articles entitled Annals of the New Fandom, altho they referred to the Second Fandom, while New Fandom rose and fell in the Second Transition. The organization was launched in the late summer of 1938, about the time that reaction was setting in against the Wollheimists and the Second Fandom generally. Moskowitz was the initiator of New Fandom, strongly assisted by Sykora and Taurasi, and to a lesser extent Racic, van Houten, and others. They started the organization with the membership of the old SFAA, turned over by van Houten. NF announced that it would put on the World Convention in 1939, and ignored all protests by Wollheim, who had been appointed by the defunct NYBISA to head a committee for that purpose. NF also ignored the existence of fan feuds, and won the support of the great majority who were opposed to their continuance.

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