
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Necronomicon Letter

A portion of the "History of the Necronomicon" found reproduced on the internet.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Colour Out of Space: Dateline Virginia

Keeping you updated as the end of the world approaches, more gloabal weirding. Lovecraft's Colour Out of Space centered around a crashed meteor. I include a brief report (from T Peter Park's email alert from his Mythos group) and some emails to a local (WAVY) TV station. Makes it dramatic. :)

Streaking lights, explosions reported all along coast
Posted to: News
Did you see something? Click here to send us your photos
By Patrick Wilson
The Virginian-Pilot
© March 30, 2009

Were they meteors? A comet? UFOs?

People from Maryland to Hampton Roads heard loud explosions and saw brilliant, streaking lights in the sky Sunday night.

Emails about the mystery in the sky
Updated: Monday, 30 Mar 2009, 8:04 AM EDT

HAMPTON ROADS, Va. - Emails received to the WAVY Newsroom:

9:55 p.m. - Jim in Virginia Beach: Hello, we heard a loud boom and the ground shook a little at about 21:48, the same noise was heard by my son's friend who lives in Bayside. We have no clue as to the origin of the noise nor its damage. I pray it is not serious. Respectfully.

10:16 p.m. - Bernard in Virginia Beach: Just wanted to let you guys know that we our house also shook. We live off of Centerville in Virginia Beach on the Chesapeake line.

10:28 p.m. - Duane in Williamsburg: Subject- house shaking in Williamsburg. I saw a flare flying through the air about 45 minutes ago. It should have landed between big bethel road and Hardy cash drive. Maybe close to commander sheppard/simple farm road. This was unusual. I stayed outside to listen for a noise, but on noise and nothing else.

10:31 p.m. - Carl in Virginia Beach: IS THE WORLD ENDING???

10:41 p.m. - Kelly in Onley: I just saw the news clip about the bright light in the sky reported by several Hampton Roads and Williamsburg residents. I live on the Eastern Shore of Virginia (Onley, VA) and also witnessed the bright flashes and what appeared to be a fireball falling from the sky. I did not feel any rumble but could see the bright light and fireball very clearly. Since we live in the country with no street lights, I could see it vividly across the field. I saw three bright flashes which appeared to be lightning and then the bright fireball appeared. As it rapidly fell, the fire grew brighter and bigger. I have no idea what I saw, but it sure was scary. My eyes are still hurting from the extreme bright light and I keep seeing spots. I would really like to know what it was I saw. Thank you.

10:44 p.m. - Robert in Sunbury, NC: At 9:38 PM, I watched a meteor cross over Sunbury, NC. It was traveling from the West towards the East. My wife and our friend also saw this event. Very exciting!!!

11:01 p.m. - Alan in Hampton: At approx. 9pm I had just walked up to my kitchen sink and thought I saw lightening outside...I said to my wife, I just saw lightening and a minute later my dog who has a doggie door comes in and he was spooked! He went directly upstairs which is what he does if he hears a loud noise etc... He is very skittish. I thought this was very weird then they said on the news, we do not know what is going on but they were getting reports!

11:06 p.m. - Kel in Norfolk: My Mom & I Both heard a LOUD Bang and felt a vibration or a Shake of the ground and house.

11:08 p.m. - Lou and Bill Pollard: My husband and I both heard a very large boom accompanied by rattling windows for about 10 seconds tonight. At first because of the wind we thought maybe there was a weather related reason, such as thunder. Then we guessed it might be an explosion of some sort or a crash on the highway just outside our neighborhood.

11:09 p.m. - Diana in Virginia Beach: At around 9:45 pm I was driving, almost to my house and saw the bright streak of light. It lit up the whole area. I thought it was just lightening because it branched out in the sky like lightening. Then I arrived at home, put some stuff in the house and went back out to help my roommate who was bringing stuff into the house too and that's when we both heard the explosion, but honestly, the noise was heard about 15 minutes after I saw the streak. In fact I had just finished telling my roommate that I saw some strange lightening when we heard the explosion. We thought it was fireworks or something. But the noise occurred at least 10-15 minutes after the light. Weird!

11:10 p.m. - Richard in Virginia Beach: At some time this evening between about 9 and 10 I was lying in bed ready to go to sleep when I heard a loud bang and my house shook. It felt as if a car had hit the building. I went outside to investigate and the winds had picked up but I couldn't see anything that may have hit the house. I went back to bed. Then, as I was turning the channel at 11 o'clock, I heard your story about the possible meteorite this evening. I wonder if the sound I heard was a sonic boom that shook my house. That certainly would fit with the idea of a meteorite as it slows down through the atmosphere. Anyway, I thought you might like to hear my story. Have a good night.

Postcard Information

I recently came across a website that mentioned some HPL postcards. The information on the website seemed to be a little garbled because of mispellings, etc. The website can be found here.

I'll correct the textual issues as best I can below.

...Recently my friend who owns perhaps the best rare-bookstore in America, brought to my attention he had a few postcards he purchased back in the '70s, of H.P. Lovecraft's. He is reconized from San Francisco to New York City as the best in his rare collection of books, and other such things, and I've known him for a long, long time. ...

Postcard: H.P. Lovecraft to Clark A. Smith
(Dated April 19, 1927)

The History: The Postcard was purchased by Dennis L. Siluk, 12/8/2005, from Tom Strausky, whom purchased it in the l970s from Roy Squires. The Postcard is signed by: H.P. Lovecraft; W. Munn (Poet/Writer) and W. P. Cook (publisher/editor); ... The people mentioned in the postcard: George Sterling: Poet and friend of Jack London, novelist; H.P. Lovecraft: fantasy/horror writer; Ambrose Bierce: reporter, short story writer, poet; and also friend to C.A. Smith. Frank Belknap Long: Poet/writer for ‘Weird Tales’; Donald Wandrei: Poet/writer for ‘Weird Tales’; Alfred Galpin: writer; C.A. Smith: Novelist/short story writer/poet; also wrote for ‘Weird Tales'; all mentioned in the postcard.

Content of the letter as I perceive it, and have interpreted it: the Postcard

To: Clark Ashton Smith Box 385, Auburn, California.

“Still another conclave! Wandrei & Belknap are both in their respective heavens again, but the spirit of assemblage is yet abroad in the land. I am told that the New Braithwaite Anthology contains a very fine appreciation of your work by Sterling. I must look it up. Heard from Galpin lately, & he’s enthusiastic about your French verse. In my next I’ll enclose his list of expert linguistic emendations.”

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lovecraftian Jewelry

Seemingly no Lovecraftian concept goes unclaimed. Jewelry is frequently found on the internet. Here's one link.

Ron Howard and H P Lovecraft?

It's been the news of the week, and my colleagues at the HPL Group were quick to call it to my attention. Indeed, the graphic novel (see previous blog entries) "The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft" is headed for the movie screen, Variety reports.

Entertainment Weekly Online reports: Universal Studios has bought the film rights to the Image Comics graphic novel. Imagine Entertainment will produce. Imagine partner Ron Howard may direct. In the book, created by Mac Carter and Jeff Blitz, a young Lovecraft is the victim of a curse, by which the horrifying stories and characters he creates are unleashed on the world. The book hits stands April 8.

There you have it. The strangest things of this world may be facts which make the imagination of fantasy pale in comparison.

Stay tuned how this turns out.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rare W Paul Cook Copy Surfaces

The Seller States:

IN Memoriam Howard Phillips Lovecraft by W. Paul Cook // Written in december 1940 printed April to June with the cooperation of Driftwind Press 1941 An edition of 94 copies net


As an owner of a copy of Driftwinds, I can vouch for the ribbon method. Usually the papers were bound by a sturdy, sometimes colorful, ribbon and hand tied.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Barcelona 1908: Lovecraft parallels

Julio tipped me off to this rare film. Sadly, there is no way to embed the film, so you have to go and run it yourself. I did a screen capture of one brief moment. Lovecraft loved antiquarianism, and fell in love with St. Augustine. Barcelona would have sent him to ecstacy. Imagine, HPL on a bicycle as an 18 year old, peddling through the streets, or riding the tram cars! Maybe, had his grandfather lived, Barcelona would have been an easy trip to study astronomy?'

Thanks, Julio.

{And YOU should consider joining the HPL Group. We talk about numerous Lovecraftian things, get news ahead of many others, and discuss the ramifications of Lovecraft's relevancy of today. Also, there are exclusive files tucked away for members. No fee, no hassle, no worries.)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Lovecraft movie? Guillermo del Toro

Recently seen:

Guillermo del Toro is slated to be directing an adaptation of Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness, although its been delayed by various things.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More Aaron Curry

Aaron Curry, Cobwebs and Cosmic Knots,
2009, Aaron Curry Ink, gouache on paper , 147.3 x 106.7 cm

Aaron Curry (b. 1972, San Antonio, Texas, lives in Los Angeles) in his first solo exhibition at Galerie Daniel Buchholz shows an installation featuring new sculptures, paintings and collages. The technique of collage forms the centre of Aaron Curry’s practice. He develops his pictorial language by assembling and layering found images from diverse sources such as magazines, monster fanzines, art books, and film publicity, and equally from a fund of forms whose origins, even if not directly referential, derive from American Surrealism. To do this he in part uses an extreme colour palette reminiscent of the ‘School of Chicago’ from Ivan Albright to Peter Saul and Jim Nutt.

A point of departure for Aaron Curry’s most recent work is the H.P. Lovecraft story, The Colour out of Space, which may be the source for his dividing of the objects and pictures in this exhibition into two separate fields, either extreme colour or grisaille.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Aaron Curry: Exhibition, The Colour Out of Space

Aaron Curry: The Colour Out of Space
March 20, 2009—April 25, 2009

Michael Werner Gallery is pleased to present The Colour Out of Space, an exhibition of new works by Aaron Curry. The Colour Out of Space is the artist's first New York solo exhibition.
Aaron Curry revels in a perverse marriage of opposites: abstract and figurative, brutal and elegant, ugly and beautiful; in short, high and low.

...more (click) ...

The exhibition is on view from 20 March to 25 April, in the main gallery at 4 East 77 Street and in the gallery's project space at 30 East 74 Street. The galleries are open Monday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm. For more information please contact Jason Duval (

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Dracula V

Hope you enjoyed this series. :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dracula I

Lovecraft read it. The Hound is a parody of it. This is the edition he probably read. Enjoy these posted images for the next several days. (The posters are a bonus).

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patrick's Day

Lovecraft wasn't keen on it. St. Patrick wasn't Irish. But who cares, it's a fun day. I hope you wore your green so you don't have to get pinched.

Happy St. patrick's Day from Chrispy.

HPLoitation? Herbert West: The TV Show

Brian Yuzna is developing a remake of his 1985 classic RE-ANIMATOR (in tandem with Ray Haboush’s Halcyon International Pictures, and set to be shot in 3-D!), development of a new TV series based on H.P. Lovecraft’s mad scientist Herbert West and various classic HPL stories is progressing simultaneously in Hollywood.

... more ...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Poe Letter Discussed (1842)

U.Va. exhibits Poe letter apologizing for drinking

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Edgar Allan Poe apologizes to his publishers for drinking too much and asks them to buy an article because he's "desperately pushed for money" in an 1842 letter acquired by the University of Virginia for an exhibition marking the author's 200th birthday.

Writing from Philadelphia, Poe blames his friend William Ross Wallace, a poet and lawyer, for making him drink too many "juleps" and for misbehaving on a visit to New York.

The university bought the July 18, 1842, letter in a Sotheby's auction after the document spent years in private hands. University officials declined to disclose the price, but said it was purchased with endowment funds.

"Will you be so kind enough to put the best possible interpretation upon my behaviour while in N-York?," Poe asks New York publishers J. and Henry G. Langley.

"You must have conceived a queer idea of me — but the simple truth is that Wallace would insist upon the juleps, and I knew not what I was either doing or saying."

He closes the letter expressing his hopes that he'll see the Langleys again "under better auspices." The enclosed article was rejected, but published elsewhere later that year.

The letter was first disclosed in an American literary magazine in 1957, according to the 2008 edition of "The Collected Letters of Edgar Allan Poe." It was formerly in a private collection and, before the U.Va. acquisition, most recently purchased at auction by an undisclosed buyer for $26,000 in May 1988, according to Chris Semtner, curator of the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond.

The U.Va. Library released the letter this week ahead of an exhibit opening Saturday that highlights Poe's enduring literary works, brief life and mysterious death at the age of 40. Poe attended the Charlottesville university, but had to drop out after less than a year in part because of financial difficulties, which plagued him the rest of his life.

"From Out That Shadow: the Life and Legacy of Edgar Allan Poe" is being held in honor of the 200th anniversary of the author's birth on January 19, 1809. It features more than 100 items related to Poe, including manuscripts of his iconic works such as "The Raven," original artwork and personal belongings including his writing desk and portraits of Poe and his mother.

The exhibit runs through Aug. 1, then will open at the University of Texas.

Poe is credited with writing the first modern detective story, "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," which appeared in 1841 in Graham's Magazine, where Poe worked an editor. It became the template for subsequent mystery stories, including the Sherlock Holmes works.

The writer's other macabre works include "The Black Cat," "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Pit and the Pendulum," which have frightened generations of readers and reflected Poe's struggles with depression, difficulties with drinking, and the loss of key figures in his life.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lovecraft Death Notice: Tryout, Spring 1937

Smith may not have recalled Lovecraft's middle name, or his grief and age might have played tricks. In any event, this was recently seen at auction. 6 bids and $61.00 was not a bad fee for something so rare.

Howard Prescott Lovecraft

Death loves a shining mark. I don't know who is the author of that proverb, but it never was more strongly emphasized than the praising of Howard Prescott Lovecraft.

A genius has been taken from among us. If there were ever one in amateur journalism, it was Howard Prescott Lovecraft.

Over twenty years correspondence with him, and numerous personal meetings, revealed him to me how many characteristics - his integrity, his gentlemanly deportment and his keen literary attainments. We had many things in common. Love of the open old books, historical houses and papers, and even the lowly (?) cat was a bond between us.

Here are the details: Description: "HOWARD PRESCOTT LOVECRAFT" - Death notice composed by C. W. Smith in "The Tryout - (April) 1937

C. W. Smith was one of Howard Phillips Lovecraft's earliest supporters recognizing his talent by publishing some of his first Amateur Journal writings.
Lovecraft's premature death in March of 1937 affected Smith deeply and his brief memorial "Howard Prescott Lovecraft" in this issue is poignant and moving...

"A genius has been taken from us. If there ever were ever one in amateur journalism it was Howard Prescott Lovecraft...Many of his first contributions to the amateur press appeared in "Tryout" and he continued to contribute to it until his professional work required most of his time. Still I never requested a favor of him but he willingly granted it....Of his literary work I leave to more competent pen than mine to estimate. That it was of the highest standard none will gainsay."

The full memorial is more than two pages in length and was not reprinted in the Arkham House volume "Lovecraft Remembered". This issue was folded for mailing, else in virtually as new condition with string-tie still attached.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Colour Almost Out of Space

Phew! Asteroid's passing was a cosmic near-miss

From 3 March 2009
PASADENA, Calif. – An asteroid about the size of one that blasted Siberia a century ago just buzzed by Earth.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported that the asteroid zoomed past Monday morning.

The asteroid named 2009 DD45 was about 48,800 miles from Earth. That is just twice the height of some telecommunications satellites and about a fifth of the distance to the Moon.

The space ball measured between 69 feet and 154 feet in diameter. The Planetary Society said that made it the same size as an asteroid that exploded over Siberia in 1908 and leveled more than 800 square miles of forest.

Most people probably didn't notice the cosmic close call. The asteroid was only spotted two days ago (1 March 2009) and at its closest point passed over the Pacific Ocean near Tahiti.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What would Lovecraft think?

He loved Roman history, and history of the weird. Could he have added this to the Shunned House story - or made a different one?

March 10, 2009—Among the many medieval plague victims recently unearthed near Venice, Italy, one reportedly had never-before-seen evidence of an unusual affliction: being "undead."

The partial body and skull of the woman showed her jaw forced open by a brick (above)—an exorcism technique used on suspected vampires.

It's the first time that archaeological remains have been interpreted as belonging to a suspected vampire, team leader Matteo Borrini, a forensic archaeologist at the University of Florence, told National Geographic News.

Borrini has been digging up mass graves on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, where the "vampire" was found, since 2006.

(See mass grave pictures of plague victims on another island near Venice.)

"I was lucky. I [didn't] expect to find a vampire during my excavations," he said.

Belief in vampires was rampant in the Middle Ages, mostly because the process of decomposition was not well understood.

For instance, as the human stomach decays, it releases a dark "purge fluid." This bloodlike liquid can flow freely from a corpse's nose and mouth, so it was apparently sometimes confused with traces of vampire victims' blood.

The fluid sometimes moistened the burial shroud near the corpse's mouth enough that it sagged into the jaw, creating tears in the cloth.

Since tombs were often reopened during plagues so other victims could be added, Italian gravediggers saw these decomposing bodies with partially "eaten" shrouds, Borrini said.

Vampires were thought by some to be causes of plagues, so the superstition took root that shroud-chewing was the "magical way" that vampires spread pestilence, he said. Inserting objects—such as bricks and stones—into the mouths of alleged vampires was thought to halt the disease.

—Christine Dell'Amore

Monaco Poe Stamp Commemorative

One day Mr. Lovecraft will have a stamp commemorative edition. Until then, we'll have to suffice with his hero's stamps, Mr. Poe.

Again, Tom, Thanks for sending these along.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

1949 Poe Stamp Commemorative: IV

...tomorrow ... one more of more recent vintage

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 09, 2009

Sunday, March 08, 2009

1949 Poe Stamp Commemorative: I

Thanks, Tom!
Mr. Lovecraft didn't get to see this, but he would have loved it.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

New York 1924 IV

Last of the article. Imagine HPL and the Kalems wandering about in this metropolitain behemoth.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Lovecraft Unbound News

This news just arrived today. Thanks, Laird, for sending me an alert.

Lovecraft Unbound will arrive from M Press on October of 2009. Ellen Datlow, editor. This is not in official order; the first four stories are reprints.


Houses Under the Sea Caitlin R. Kiernan
The Din of Celestial Birds Brian Evenson
In the Black Mill Michael Chabon
Commencement Joyce Carol Oates
One Day, Soon Lavie Tidhar
Catch Hell Laird Barron
Machines of Concrete Light and Dark Michael Cisco
Leng Marc Laidlaw
Sight Unseen Joel Lane
Vernon, Driving Simon Kurt Unsworth
Marya Nox Gemma Files
That of Which We Speak When We Speak of the Unspeakable Nick Mamatas
Sincerely, Petrified Anna Tambour
The Tenderness of Jackals Amanda Downum
The Office of Doom Richard Bowes
Mongoose Sarah Monette & Elizabeth Bear
Cold Water Survival Holly Phillips
The Recruiter Michael Shea
The Crevasse Dale Bailey and Nathan Ballingrud
Come Lurk with Me and Be My Love William Browning Spencer

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Black Wings and Other Things

Above is Mr. Joe Pulver. Along with other patrons and friends (such as Wilum and Laird) of this H. P. Lovecraft Blog, they are all featured in S. T. Joshi's edited anthology known as Black Wings. This is sure to be a Lovecrtaftian Event.

Here is the info that Mr. Pulver had. Please, if any other author has more information on this, send it my way and we'll get it out to folks.

I just had the pleasure of signing the contract for inclusion of my tale, "Engravings", in S.T. Joshi's new Lovecraftain anthology BLACK WINGS. PS Publishing will release the book this December. Fellow Haunt member and all around pal, Wilum Pugmire, will also have a new tale in the book.

CaitlĂ­n R Kiernan, Michael Shea, Laird Barron, William Browning Spencer, David J Schow, Brian Stableford, Philip Haldeman, Michael Cisco, and Norman Partridge, are some of the others talents collected in this new volume of Lovecraftian tales.

As far as Mr. Pulver, here is what the critics and reviewers say about Blood Will Have Its Season:

Joe Pulver

“BLOOD WILL HAVE ITS SEASON teeters between lyrical tranquility and unchecked brutality. Joe Pulver's style is sometimes jarring, sometimes lulling -- but deceptively so. BLOOD is a rough ride. It's not for children or old prudes." -Mark Rainey
“Each piece seethes with a sinister madness like a straitjacketed ghost forgotten in a dark and cobwebbed cell. In this innovative, hypnotic collection, Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. has proven himself to be a perversely masterful sculptor of our dreams.” – Jeffery Thomas
"Blood Will Have Its Season is a set of Hard Noir nightmares by a major new voice in the horror genre: Joseph S. Pulver, Sr. Pulver’s fantastic vignettes provide, each one, a comprehensive vision of a shunned zone of pain and blood and spiritual plague, leaving the reader relieved that such is not his waking world, but then forcing him to question whether perhaps normalcy is the dream! The author’s unique narrative voice has picked up accents here and there from Lovecraft, Ligotti, and Robert W. Chambers, as well as certain crime authors, but his roaring voice is all his own: delicate, poetic, yet explosive! Finely wrought prose-poetry that yet somehow rips up the page upon which it rests! The tales are often mad mood pieces, told from the frightening perspective of murderer and madman, devil and delver. But all are genuine stories, even when much of the action is implied. But what Pulver implies off-stage is more vivid and wrenching than most of what is seen in most author’s labored depictions. Like the Puzzle Box of the Cenobites, these tales transport us into both pain and ecstasy till we can no longer tell the difference.” - Robert M. Price
"The single underlying vision of these stories is that of the universe as nature (and supernature) red in tooth and claw, where tenderness and sentiment are the most valuable treasures because they are so impossibly rare. You will feel a surprising kinship with Pulver’s radically diverse focal characters and narrators, a motley crew of sorcerers, mob hit men, serial killers!" - Robert M. Price
"Pulver challenges his readers with amazingly bizarre and intriguing
versatility as he masterfully and engagingly explores worlds of
beautifully mournful fantastic prose, invokes hellish realms of
relentless violence, conjures wild homages to his many heroes, and
tinkers with conceptual formatting." - Stan Sargent
“Joe Pulver is a dark star is the merciless cosmos of weird fiction. His work is as brutal as it is beautiful.” - Wilum Pugmire
And from the "Foreword" to BLOOD WILL HAVE ITS SEASON by S.T. Joshi:

“This volume comprises a kind of re-introduction of Joseph S. Pulver, Sr., to the fantasy and horror community, and it shows what great results can be achieved by a sensitive writer who draws not only upon the inspiration of his literary predecessors but upon his own experiences in the hardscrabble world of our day and transmutes them by the alchemy of his imagination into something transcendently beautiful in spite—or, paraodoxically, perhaps even because—of its chilling subject matter. The prose of Joe Pulver can take its place with that of the masters of our genre—Poe, Lovecraft, Campbell, Ligotti—while his imaginative reach is something uniquely his own.”
—S. T. Joshi

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I'm so stoked. Crossed the 60,000 views mark today. (Statcounter count).
Thank you, all of you readers.

Onion Alert

Many thanks to "M":

Lovecraftian School Board Member Wants Madness Added To Curriculum

ARKHAM, MA—Arguing that students should return to the fundamentals taught in the Pnakotic Manuscripts and the Necronomicon in order to develop the skills they need to be driven to the very edge of sanity, Arkham school board member Charles West continued to advance his pro-madness agenda at the district's monthly meeting Tuesday.

...more ... click here.

Happy Anniversary, Sonia

This is NOT Sonia, but represents an unknown bride photo taken in 1924.

Sonia was married on March 3, 1924. (85 years ago) It wasn't to last, but every bride deserves her day.

Monday, March 02, 2009

10 Barnes Street: Thanks, Julio!

House where Lovecraft lived after he came from New York. 10 Barnes St.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Interlude: 1700th post / 59,000th view

Well, we start a new month of Lovecraft endeavors.

We passed 1700 posts, and exceeded our 59,000th view.

I would never have guessed a few years back my little project would attract so much attention. Each day I wake up excited about finding something new about Mr. Lovecraft. I feared that long ago I'd have "burnout", but nope, not yet. I still think I have the stamina to go to 2,000 posts.

I try to say this as often as I can. Thank YOU for reading.

The list has grown so long, I fear if I try to thank everyone whose written to encourage me, enlighten me, tease me about my typos, share hidden secrets, and correspond about various things Lovecraftian, I'd miss many names.

This time around, I'll mention a few new things. The folks at the left side who are "followers', I'm delighted. Please patronize them by a simple click on their avatar. I recently added a mapping function. Now YOU get to see all the people I already knew were stopping by. I'm awestruck to see folks visit from Australia, Europe, Asia, South America, and many other lands that I will never get to visit (except maybe in the pages of my monthly National Geographic). Of course, it ain't foe me, but for the memory of H.P.L.

Salute, Mr. Lovecraft!

Now stay tuned and let's see what's next!