
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Sorry for Absence

The day job has kept me going, plus I've had a trip to Nashville, Las Vegas, and just back from Chicago. I'm also researching for a story I want to write on Nyarlathotep. Saw the King Tut exhibit, and will report on it soon - and also report some comments by HPL on HIS trip to see an Egyptian exhibit. Visited the Shedd Aquarium, but have a poor pic of an octopus, sorry.

I have about 100 pent-up posts, and owe several posts forwarded on to me by readers and collegaues.

Of course, there are hundreds of posts in the archives, so keep searching!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Breaking Lovecraftiana News


spcsprockt has just pblished this on ebay!! This is incredible news for Lovecraftiana collectors. No doubt it will quickly disappear in a collector's hand. (No Chrispy is not bidding on this one).

"Personally signed by H. P. Lovecraft, this rare, 1879 first edition of "The Light of Asia" is believed to have belonged to the writer when he was a schoolboy in the early 1900s. The style of writing is consistent with quill pen writing of that period, which was well before he became known. H. P. Lovecraft (b. 1890 - d. 1937) was raised and educated in Providence, Rhode Island, where he would go on to become a prolific writer on the supernatural. This book was obviously owned by Lovecraft when he was a young student, as his writing has not yet developed the sophistication of later examples. There is a strong similarity with the looped L in Lovecraft, and the signature itself shows its obvious age. This book was recently purchased at an estate sale of an old Rhode Island estate, and its exact history is unknown. It may very well be that this book helped inspire the young Lovecraft to become a writer; opening his mind to other realms. "The Light of Asia" was written by Sir Edwin Arnold, and published by H. M. Caldwell Co., Publishers, New York And Boston. The book has a partial split along the top portion of the spine, while the pages and binding are in excellent condition. H. P. Lovecraft's signature appears on the first blank fly page at the front of the book. The book includes a white ribbon book marker that may have been his. This 239-page work features beautiful poetry and verse based on Eastern mysticism and philosophy including Karma, Nirvana, and Buddha, presented in eight parts or "books". This may be the last chance you have to actually possess something that was once owned and embraced by Lovecraft. Guaranteed to be original as described. "


...for being faithful in my absence. Chrispy's day job has overwhelmed my ability to blog. I have several more obligations for the month of June, but I will post as much as possible.

Thanks to John Rowlands for concern and recent suggested post. Will do so soon. Also, to all of you who have posted comments - they are greatly appreciated.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Hound:

In the second paragraph of the story, Lovecraft speaks much of poets and artists. The symbolists were a French literary clique at the end of the 19th century (the generation that predated HPL) who reacted to the naturalism and realism schools with impressionism, and many were poets who experimented with free verse.

pre-Raphaelites founded by Dante Rossetti in 1848. These artists took the medieval detail work and exhumed it and recast it into even more precise detail.

The two were quite opposite except that they exagerated their themes.

Decadents were alos late 19th century authors who emphasized the macabre. They followed the ideals of the symbolists and used Baudelaire as their muse.

Charles Baudelaire was a French poet who translated his hero - Poe - into French. HPL mentions Baudelaire again in Herbert West:Reanimator. He admired the "Flowers of Evil" poem by B.

B. was quoted by HPL to Wilfred Talman, "...have you ever tasted young children's brains? They're delightful and taste exactly like walnuts."

Extracted from notes in More Annotated Lovecraft, Joshi & Cannon, Dell, 1999.